Denver Botanical Gardens

Denver Botanical Gardens

Friday, September 26, 2014

Twas the night before

St. Jean Pied de Port is a beautiful French town. Not too small, definitely not too big.  Our trip over was fabulous, if also a little tiring.  We planned it so that we did not get good sleep for over 30 hours.  This gave us the most sight-seeing in Ireland, and also got our bodies adjusted to the European time zone very quickly.  We landed in Dublin at 5:30 am local time, and were on a tour bus by 8 o'clock.  We arrived at our B & B at about 7:30 that evening (the Airport Orchard Bed and Breakfast).  The bed felt wonderful, and the breakfast was such that we did not need lunch!  Our Ryan flight to France was fun, as there were a number of drunk youths who provided some entertainment that they are unlikely to remember.  We are in a great little private albergue, the Le Chemin vers l'Etoile in the heart of SJPdP.  We start the Camino in the morning.

At the Wicklow National Park, Ireland
One of several couples having wedding photos taken at the Kilkinney Castle.
The river in St Jean Pied de Port, France.  We cross over border into Spain in the morning


  1. This is gorgeous! Kim W

  2. Seeing the picture of St. Jean just gave me goosebumps. Great memories of a beautiful place to begin your journey.
